Courses on Offer

Certificate Course in Ultrasound in Pregnancy ( Online Format)
3 Modules
(Each Module 12 hrs of learning Over a Period of One Month)
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Outreach Programme
One of our goals is to establish a system where the benefit of good obstetric ultrasound is available to all pregnant women. It is part of FMF-UK ‘Look for Life’ Initiative started by Professor Nicolaides.The program aims to reach smaller towns in India to help improve the standard of ultrasound scanning amongst practicing Obstetricians/Sonologists.
Know MoreOutreach Programme
One of our goals is to establish a system where the benefit of good obstetric ultrasound is available to all pregnant women. It is part of FMF-UK ‘Look for Life’ Initiative started by Professor Nicolaides.The program aims to reach smaller towns in India to help improve the standard of ultrasound scanning amongst practicing Obstetricians/Sonologists.
Know MoreAbout Fetal Medicine Foundation India
Fetal Medicine Foundation India is a non-profit organisation dedicatedto the education and promotion of Skilled Medical Professionals in thefield of Fetal Medicine
It aims to address problems and improve the health of pregnancies of Indian women across all social strata. It will do this by increasing the number and availability of skilled professionals (physicians, ultrasonographers, and other health-care workers) to all Indian women.
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