Welcome to the first of our E-newsletters initiative from FMFI to disseminate the latest research on specific topics of interest.The FMF India aims to collaborate in research and academic activities and promote and standardise antenatal care for all pregnant women in India.

The topic we chose for the first newsletter is “Skeletal Dysplasias” – a complex clinical enigma that continues to baffle the medical fraternity owing to varied presentation, wide genetic causes, and an uncertain prognosis.This newsletter is a collective effort from the bright and young minds across the country to discuss the prenatal and postnatal management of a suspected or diagnosed case of skeletal dysplasia.We also hope we inspire ourselves to promote research in the areas that remain unanswered and demand more thought and reasoning from the clinicians.

We hope the readers will find the newsletterhelpful and incorporate the summarised algorithms in their daily practice.

Editor-In -Chief : Rachna Gupta
E-newsletter Editor : ChinmayeeRatha
Editorial Team : Anita Kaul and Akshatha Sharma
Contributors : Navya K C, Aditi Goundan, Shagun Aggarwal, Bikramjit Das, Vikram N S, Sumitra Bachani

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